Staff Team

Ben Feasey – Head of Trust

Ben (he / him) – After training as a youth worker, I worked for Local Authority youth services before moving into the charitable sector, something that I love and enjoy. I’ve worked with many young people and across many different projects, such as NEET young people, children in care and care leavers projects, alternative education and national residential programmes as well as managing youth centres and running youth charities. My community and developing youth services locally is my passion and I believe that all young people, wherever they are from and whatever their needs should have access to the right support.

Chloe Sutcliffe – Listening Advocacy and Mentoring Co-ordinator

Chloe has moved across from School for Inspiring Talents, where she has excelled in roles including Learning Support and Pastoral Care. Chloe’s hands-on work with trauma-experienced young people gives her the ideal grounding to help shape the Life Chance Trust’s offer and to support 16-25 year olds make the transition into adult life.

Chloe is a valued player for her local Rugby Club – her sporting prowess means she also takes a lead on our more active fundraising activities, such as the Fun Runs and marathons!

Cara Baer – Skills Workshop Lead

Cara is passionate about supporting young people and widening opportunities for young people who have diverse needs or have had adverse experiences. As well as her work as Youth Facilitator for Life Chance Trust, where she delivers fun and engaging Life Skills workshops, Cara lectures and researches in Education at the University of Plymouth, with a focus on inclusive opportunities, participation and co-production. Outside of work, Cara volunteers with an adult disability charity, enjoys hiking on Dartmoor and spends time exploring the Devon and Cornwall coastlines.

Emma Seaman – Marketing & Comms

Emma is Marketing & Communications Manager for Life Chance Group & School for Inspiring Talents – she is seconded to the Life Chance Trust several days each month on a ‘pro bono’ basis.

With over 25 years’ experience in radio journalism and marketing, she is also an experienced writer, educator and designer-maker. Emma is an advocate for wellbeing and good mental health and is passionate about supporting people of all ages to thrive and succeed in their own unique way.