“Every young person is unique, and our approach is tailored to meet their individual needs and aspirations. We focus on their capabilities, strengths, and assets, acknowledging the past while remaining focused on building a brighter future.”

Alex, Mentor and Trustee


Trauma informed youth work is an approach that acknowledges the impact of trauma on young people’s lives and adapts practices to create a safe, supportive environment. It recognises that experiences such as abuse, neglect, loss, or violence can shape how young people perceive and respond to the world around them.

Key Principles of Trauma Informed Youth Work:

  1. Safety: Ensuring physical and emotional safety in all interactions and environments.

  2. Trustworthiness: Building relationships based on transparency, reliability, and respect.

  3. Choice and Empowerment: Giving young people control over decisions that affect them, fostering self-agency.

  4. Collaboration: Working alongside young people as partners rather than imposing solutions.

  5. Cultural Sensitivity: Recognising and respecting the diverse backgrounds and experiences of each individual.

By being trauma-informed, youth workers create spaces where young people feel heard, valued, and supported to build resilience, develop life skills, and achieve their potential despite past challenges.

This approach emphasises healing, growth, and empowering young people to thrive.

ACEs - We recognise the impact of ACEs and provide a safe, supportive environment to help young people aged 16-25 build resilience, develop life skills, and break cycles of adversity.

Theory of Change – Our Theory of Change is the roadmap that guides how we create lasting impact in the lives of young people.